Monday, June 24, 2013

Welcome welcome!

I have an honours Bachelor of Arts with a focus in Political Science and Film Studies.
I worked hard for 5 years to earn it. I do not regret it for one second.
I did two co-op terms, a year studying abroad in Germany and worked part time all the way through.
I received my degree 1 year and 12 days ago.

I am currently underemployed working two part time retail jobs just to make ends meet.
And I'm one of the lucky ones.


First off, I want to explain the use of the "Me" Generation in the title. I abso-fucking-lutely loathe that moniker. It's incredibly flawed and shortsighted to paint an entire generation as self-absorbed and selfish just because of some profoundly stupid people on Twitter. I'm proud of my generation. We are some of the most globally-minded people and we are working tirelessly, fighting against a status-quo that is the direct inverse of the stories we were raised on.

Why do you think building schools in Africa/South America/Asia has become such a trend? It's not because we enjoy sweating, I can tell you that much.

This "Me" Generation is pissed. We were lead to believe that we could be anything, achieve anything, if we tried hard enough, put in enough work, time, etc. etc. and a lot of us are waking up to the fact that that's simply not true. We realize that we can't do that by ourselves. There are systems/institutions/norms in place that we have to change first.

So I'm being a hipster and using the "Me" Generation thing ironically. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?

Anyway, this blog is going to act as a vent for my frustration and as a window into the so called "Me" Generation. I'm hardly typical, but if the interwebz have taught me anything, it's that everyone needs to add their perspective to produce some kind of clarity that we can agree (or disagree) on.

I know I know.... here's a preemptive...

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